Orange is the New Black

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ghanaladies69The Black and Orange colour mix is arguably one of the most difficult colour combinations to wear tastefully. Despite the fact that throughout the decades, it hasn’t been embraced by many, as of late this pairing has been creeping up all around and truthfully, it’s been looking rather rich!

Juliet Ibrahim was spotted sporting the daring color mix;   a studded waistcoat, which complimented her caramel features and a high waist black   pencil skirt worn  and  orange suede ankle boots. It  may just be me but  I’m  not  too sure about the choice of boots,  but I’m guessing there aren’t  that  many occasions where  one can rock a matching orange combination; plus the rest of the outfit is nice, so she is easily forgiven. So tell me ladies, are you brave wear enough to wear these two colours in one outfit??

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