Lighten Up

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ghanaladies77Hey ladies!! Now there comes a time in all our lives when we just want to do something out of the ordinary, have a bit of a change from the norm. One way of doing this is by dying our hair. Now most Ghanaian ladies have tried going from an array of different shades; from  red to even blond, with lacklustre results that look nothing like how the model on the box results were.

Well ladies,  here is a tip for achieving a more intense shade- lift your current  shade by first using  a cinnamon/conditioner mixture  before your desired colour, or just rock the results of the cinnamon , because not only does this treatment lighten and condition your hair but it adds a subtle red colour and brings out your highlights.  Bleaching agents can destroy your gorgeous Ghanaian locks and contain harsh chemicals that no one should use on their body. Even products that claim to be all natural can dry out your hair, leaving it limp and a bit course, but also brittle and dull. Cinnamon is a great way to lighten your hair without destroying the delicate oils that keep your hair shiny and beautiful, and application is simple and affordable. Watch out for my mini-guide on how to apply the cinnamon mixture. Bet you can’t wait, can you?

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